Digital Auxilio Technologies Blog
Concurrency Problem

Concurrency in Swift with Async & Await

Hello All Swift enthusiasts.
Today, let us dive into the amazing world of concurrency in Swift and look at how the use of async/await has made our job easy as an iOS Developers.

The Concurrency Problem

Concurrency is like juggling multiple tasks at once – it’s all about managing and executing tasks simultaneously. In the realm of Swift, handling concurrency traditionally involved closures, but let’s be real, closures could be a bit unwieldy. Enter async/await – the new sheriff in town, making concurrent programming in Swift more readable and enjoyable.

The Saviour : Closures

Before we get our hands dirty with async/await, let’s take some time to appreciate closures. They served us well in handling asynchronous tasks, but they had their quirks. Nested closures could resemble a labyrinth, making code readability an uphill battle. Here’s a quick peek at how closures used to handle asynchronous operations:

func transferMoney(completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
    // Async task {
        // Money transfer logic
        let success = performMoneyTransfer()
        // Callback
        DispatchQueue.main.async {

It gets the job done, but it’s not the most elegant solution. Enter async/await – the syntax superhero that swoops in to save the day!

Enter the Hero: Async/Await

Async/await is a game-changer, simplifying asynchronous code and making it look like synchronous code. Let’s rewrite our money transfer function using this new duo:

func transferMoney() async -> Bool {
    // Money transfer logic
    let success = await performMoneyTransfer()
    return success

Clean, concise, and easy to follow – that’s the beauty of async/await. But hold your horses; let’s not get too carried away. It’s essential to recognize that async/await isn’t a silver bullet; it has its own set of challenges.

The Dark Side: Drawbacks of Async/Await

  1. Learning Curve: As with any new concept, there’s a learning curve. Developers need to familiarize themselves with the async/await syntax and understand its intricacies.
  2. Tooling Support: While async/await is now a part of Swift, full tooling support might still be catching up. Debugging asynchronous code could be a bit trickier than synchronous code.
  3. Compatibility Issues: If you’re working on a project that supports older Swift versions, you might run into compatibility issues. Async/await is available starting from Swift 5.5.

Now, let’s put our newfound knowledge to the test with a real-world example – a banking system with user transactions.

Example: Banking System with Async/Await

struct User {
    var balance: Double = 1000.0

func performMoneyTransfer(amount: Double, from sender: inout User, to receiver: inout User) async -> Bool {
    // Async task simulating money transfer
    await Task.sleep(1 * 1_000_000_000) // Simulate some processing time
    if sender.balance >= amount {
        sender.balance -= amount
        receiver.balance += amount
        return true
    } else {
        return false

// Example usage
async {
    var user1 = User()
    var user2 = User()

    let success = await performMoneyTransfer(amount: 500.0, from: &user1, to: &user2)

    if success {
        print("Money transfer successful!")
        print("User 1 balance: \(user1.balance), User 2 balance: \(user2.balance)")
    } else {
        print("Insufficient funds for money transfer.")

There you have it – a simple banking system using async/await in Swift. We’ve come a long way from nested closures to this elegant and readable async/await syntax.

Detailed Example

import Foundation

// MARK: - Enums

enum TransactionType {
    case deposit
    case withdrawal
    case transfer

// MARK: - Property Wrapper

struct ValidAmount {
    private var value: Double

    var wrappedValue: Double {
        get { value }
        set {
            if newValue >= 0 {
                value = newValue
            } else {
                print("Invalid amount. Amount should be non-negative.")

    init(initialValue: Double) {
        self.value = initialValue

// MARK: - Model

class BankAccount {
    var accountHolder: String
    @ValidAmount(initialValue: 0.0) var balance: Double

    init(accountHolder: String) {
        self.accountHolder = accountHolder

    func performTransaction(type: TransactionType, amount: Double) async throws {
        switch type {
        case .deposit:
            balance += amount
            print("Deposit of \(amount) successful. New balance: \(balance)")

        case .withdrawal:
            guard balance >= amount else {
                throw BankError.insufficientFunds
            balance -= amount
            print("Withdrawal of \(amount) successful. New balance: \(balance)")

        case .transfer:
            throw BankError.invalidTransaction

class SavingsAccount: BankAccount {
    var interestRate: Double

    init(accountHolder: String, interestRate: Double) {
        self.interestRate = interestRate
        super.init(accountHolder: accountHolder)

    override func performTransaction(type: TransactionType, amount: Double) async throws {
        try await super.performTransaction(type: type, amount: amount)

        switch type {
        case .deposit:

    private func applyInterest() {
        let interest = balance * interestRate
        balance += interest
        print("Interest applied. New balance: \(balance)")

// MARK: - Error

enum BankError: Error {
    case insufficientFunds
    case invalidTransaction

// MARK: - Example Usage

async {
    do {
        var userAccount = BankAccount(accountHolder: "John Doe")
        try await userAccount.performTransaction(type: .deposit, amount: 1000.0)
        try await userAccount.performTransaction(type: .withdrawal, amount: 500.0)

        var savingsAccount = SavingsAccount(accountHolder: "Jane Doe", interestRate: 0.05)
        try await savingsAccount.performTransaction(type: .deposit, amount: 2000.0)
        try await savingsAccount.performTransaction(type: .withdrawal, amount: 300.0)
    } catch {
        print("Error: \(error)")
  • We have two types of transactions: TransactionType.deposit, TransactionType.withdrawal, and TransactionType.transfer.
  • The @ValidAmount property wrapper ensures that the amount is non-negative.
  • The BankAccount class handles basic banking operations like deposits and withdrawals, and the SavingsAccount class inherits from it, adding the ability to apply interest on deposits.
  • Asynchronous tasks are performed using the async and await keywords.
  • Error handling is done through Swift’s throws and Error protocol, with specific error cases defined in the BankError enum.

In conclusion

Async and await is a powerful tool in Swift’s arsenal, providing a cleaner and more readable way to handle asynchronous tasks. While it’s not without its challenges, the benefits it brings to the table make it a valuable addition to the Swift developer’s toolkit. So, go ahead, embrace the concurrency magic, and let your code shine!


CTO @ Book Donate | Project Manager @ DigitalAuxilio | Co-Founder @ WeCare Consumer Products

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